Umpire Education in Warwickshire

Author: David Johnson
Date: 31/10/2023

Umpire Education in Warwickshire

Author: David Johnson
Date: 31/10/2023

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Warwickshire ACO will run the newly-launched ECB umpire course on Saturday 25th November between 12 pm and 6.30 pm at Bishop Challinor College, Kings Heath, Birmingham.

To see full details and book a place please follow this link:

This course provides an introduction to umpiring.

If you want to progress from it to club and/or panel umpiring in a local league then you will subsequently also need to attend WACO's extension course on Sunday December 3rd and 10th at a venue tbc in Birmingham or Solihull.

More details about the extension course are available from WACO's Umpire Education Officer, David Johnson, at

Further ECB and WACO umpire courses will run in the New Year during January and February with dates to be announced later this year.